Mar 12, 2010

Q&A Interview with Mark Lieberman - CEO TRA

Mark Lieberman, Chairman and CEO of TRA, is acutely aware of how the market valuates media and how the advances in technology can help advertisers get more information about their media effectiveness. In this fascinating interview, Mark discusses TRA and how it provides greater insight into viewer behavior, how the TV currency is changing, the targeting of swing purchasers, the use of set top box data in measurement and, looking ahead, some predictions for the next five years.

There are four insightful videos in that cover the following topics:

Subject Length (in minutes)
Background and TRA (6:38)
TV Currency (6:02)
Projects & Predictions (6:53)
Agencies and Swing Purchasers (4:55)

Charlene Weisler interviews Mark Lieberman, CEO of TRA who discusses his varied and extensive background including a stint in the George Bush administation. The video is 6:38 minutes long:

Mark Lieberman, CEO of TRA talks about the current TV Currency and how it can improve with the use of set top box data. This video is 6:02 minutes long:

Mark Lieberman talks about his industry predictions for the next five years as well as some of his current projects. This video is 6:53 minutes long:

Charlene Weisler Interviews Mark Lieberman who talks about agencies and TRA's measurement of swing purchasers in this 4:55 minute long concluding video:

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