Jul 22, 2013

Q&A With Char Beales - CTAM

Char Beales has had many roles in her illustrious career from public television station intern, to a media buyer at JWT, researcher at WBBM CBS O&O and WRC NBC O&O and NCTA. From there she moved to CTAM where as President and CEO she has expertly steered the organization thought he myriad of changes in the television landscape since the 1990s.  The one role that she has not mentioned in her linkedin page is that of role model as one of the few female CEOs and Presidents in the television industry. It is that role for which I personally will miss her as she transitions into retirement at the end of the year. 

In this fascinating interview, Char talks about her tenure at CTAM, opportunities and challenges for MSOs, the impact of Smart TVs, measurement issues, the rate of change in the industry and the future of television.

The four videos of the interview are as follows:

Subject                                                 Length (in minutes)
Background                                                      (3:38)
CTAM                                                                 (7:09)
Opportunities and Challenges                      (5:52)
Predictions                                                        (4:39)

Charlene Weisler interviews CTAM CEO Char Beales who talks about her background in this 3:38 minute video:

CTAM CEO Char Beales talks to Charlene Weisler about the CTAM organization - its history and purpose - in this 7:09 minute video: 

What are the opportunities and challenges for today's operators? Char Beales gives her viewpoint to Charlene Weisler in this 5:52 minute video:

Charlene Weisler interviews CTAM CEO Char Beales who offers some insights into the road ahead for media  in this 4:39 minute video:

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