Back in the 1970s, a young Dychtwald hit an epiphany. “I became
intrigued by older people, their point of view, what it was like to see life
from the vantage point of 80, 90 or 100 years, the depth of perception they had,”
he shared, “And I couldn’t understand why we lived in a society where there was
so little regard for older people where in some ways they might be the most
interesting among us.”
This soon led to the formation of Age Wave and work in
demography where aging trends, especially with the Boomer generation, would act
like “a pig moving through a python” changing American attitudes and spending
In this interview he explains why companies that ignore or undervalue
the Boomer generation do
so at their peril.
Charlene Weisler: Give
me a lay of the land in the area of population maturity.
Ken Dychtwald: There are three driving forces. One is the
birthrate. In the U.S. our birthrate has been hovering at about replacement
level for the last several decades. So while we are doing better than the
European nations which don’t have enough young people, we are not a young
country anymore.
Another driver is longevity. When Social Security was
drafted, life expectancy was 63. When we signed our Constitution, the life
expectancy was 45. We never envisioned
there would be that many old people. We didn’t set up our culture language,
governing, benefits to engage or handle the needs of hundreds of thousands of
older people.
The third engine is the most dramatic. We have this huge
post WW2 Baby Boom beginning in 1946 where the boys came home from the war and
92% of all women who could have kids, did – 4,000,000 a year for eight years. This
Baby Boom generation is an age wave that will reshape the center of gravity for
society and pull it towards the second half of life more than it has ever been
in history.
Weisler: Describe
Boomers and how they differ (or not) from other generations before and after.
Dychtwald: Boomers are the beneficiaries of more longevity
than any other generations of Americans. And while there has been a great deal
of talk about income inequality, we are about to see increasing longevity
inequality because there are more and more ways that people can buy their way
to longer life or buy their way to greater health that people with fewer
resources can’t afford. It is not inconceivable that there will be some Boomers
who will live to 150 or more. They will likely be the billionaires.
The Boomers will also mainstream a new paradigm for work,
learning and leisure throughout ones’ life. Previous generations lived what I
call a ‘linear life’. You learned, then
you worked like crazy for forty years and then if you had a little bit of
longevity you had some retirement time. We busted up that model when we changed
majors in college, changed careers a few times and often had more than one
marriage. So the idea of reinvention is not uncommon. What you will see mainstreamed (and younger
people like this model too) is a more cyclic model of how to live ones’ life –
like going back to school at age 45 and learning a new career. A more balanced
life across a lifetime will become the model.
You will also see the rise of female power and influence. Women
outlive men so as we become increasingly elder society it will become
increasingly controlled by women. And over the past decades women are outpacing
men in all sorts of things such as education. It has not been fully unleased
but in years to come the aging of the population will converge with female
I also see more uncertainty. Since the 1930s there has been
more security for older people from Social Security and then in the 1960s,
Medicare. During WW2 unions negotiated for pensions. Powerful lobbying
organizations such as AARP stand and protect the interests of older people. Today’s
older people have benefitted from the growth of the stock market. But that is
not the demographic equation we are heading into. We are going to have a lot
more older people and fewer younger people. There won’t be enough younger
people to shoulder future costs – it is not supportable and not sustainable. So
I think that you will see that a lot of the guarantees of security evaporate in
this Boomer generation.
Next, the Boomers will mainstream the next purpose of
maturity. What we saw in the 20th Century was a huge focus on the
medical breakthrough that allows more people to grow older and live longer but
never really created a role or purpose for these individuals. Boomers are
trying to discover a sense of purpose.
The last thing is that Boomers are not especially good at
putting a good PR spin on themselves. My parent’s generation was hard working
and obedient. They were drafted and served in a war and then they built
America. But they were also a profoundly racist generation and their treatment
of women was almost unfathomable. Yet they are called the Greatest Generation.
I don’t think the Boomers will get that kind of treatment. I think they will be
thought of as self-indulgent and irresponsible.
Weisler: How do we
change the advertiser and media mindset that undervalues older Americans?
Dychtwald: Most people in business are driven by shareholder
value – where can I make the most money - and perhaps the most untapped
opportunity is hiding in plain sight. Back in my grandparents and parents time,
when modern media was emerging on the scene, people were pretty set in their
ways. You weren’t changing your toothpaste brand when you were 50 or buying a
new kind of hair product when you were 70. That is called brand loyalty and
people were determining what product references were from the age of about 15
to 25. So you needed to heavily load your targeting of people between those
ages because if you could capture them then, you would have them for life. Conversely,
why bother marketing to a 50 year old because they have already made up their
mind about everything.
Well, we all know in business today that’s all bullshit.
There are a lot of products I am buying today that didn’t exist before. There
was no software when I was 20. And, I have a lot more money and freedom now
than I had before in my life to do whatever I want. So people who are 40 or 50
or 70 are no longer brand loyal, are reinventing themselves and very eager to
try new things.
That linchpin of the 1960s and 70s is a problem because it
is a lie. Everyone in business knows that – like a wink and a nod. Why will the
market move towards a redefinition of age breaks? Because, like Willy Sutton
said, that is where the money is. It won’t be in all categories but there are a
few like Financial Services, Leisure, Health, Medical, Beauty and Wellness that
will soar. Seventy percent of all of the wealth in America is held by people
over 50. So you can spend a lot of time and energy creating apps for 23 year
olds but guess what – they don’t have any money.
This article first appeared in
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