May 3, 2013

Pivot TV Targets the Next Greatest Generation

Pivot TV, Participant Media’s new venture into television, is apt to change the single-screen television paradigm with its blend of multi-screen programming formats targeted to Millennials and their media usage tastes.

You may be familiar with Participant Media as the company that produces a blend of progressive and blockbuster films (think Food Inc and Lincoln). Their expansion from the big screen into the small screen comes with Pivot TV which will go live this August. Millennials who Participant CEO Jim Berk calls the new Greatest Generation seek entertainment that, like Participant, inspires and accelerates social change. Whether it is in their digital platform that connects content and actions together or their launch of Pivot TV, Participant Media encourages their audience to think and take action. 

Pivot TV President Evan Shapiro has always been a supporter of research. So it is not surprising that he used research to help craft Pivot TV’s brand promise and position with a study of 3200 15-24 year olds. The result was three target segments for Pivot TV: Allies who seek socially relevant content, Clicktivists who expand their influence online and Young Heroes who are true on-the-street activists. All three clusters are “pivotal” to MVPDs as well since they are the generation that operators need to reach for future subscriber growth. According to Shapiro, the target cluster groups are very politically progressive and seek the same attitudes from businesses. So there is a psychographic element to branding to these consumers that offer a connection that goes beyond strictly age and demo.

To capture these trans-media consumers, SVP Research Karen Ramspacher, has created an innovative measurement called the Participant Impact Index. “We are going to look at what people are thinking about and doing over thirty social action causes that the company has identified as important. We are going to look at their impact on the world and the impact on the viewer of different pieces of media around those issues.” This index will measure all types of programs across many networks and can also measure the halo affect for advertisers within that environment.

At their launch party back in March, Shapiro introduced several new original series, many with second screen elements.  Their variety show HitRecord TV is a good example.  Re-inventing an old program format – the variety show - Pivot TV is launching a multi-screen version that uses a community of cutting edge artists who perform across all available platforms. The result is a fascinating program offering that has the potential to draw in a new audience across several entertainment platforms and showcase new talent. An overview of the programming can be viewed in this video:

Can Pivot TV make its mark on the programming landscape for Millennials who are measured across platforms and attitudes? Stayed tuned for their launch in August 2013.

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