Dr. Carl
Marci, EVP and Chief Neuroscientist for Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience, is the former
co-founder of Innerscope Research and a globally recognized leader in the new
field of social and consumer neuroscience. His extensive work has been put to
good use at Nielsen where neuroscience techniques are increasingly being used
to ascertain viewer reception, involvement, attention and engagement. Nielsen
recently partnered with Nielsen Catalina Solutions to facilitate the connection
between a viewer’s non-conscious emotional responses to advertising messages and
in-market sales.
Charlene Weisler: Carl, tell us about your
recent study combining single source sales data with neuroscience.
Dr. Carl
Marci: This was a groundbreaking study where we combined in-market sales from
single source data from Nielsen Catalina Solutions, across sixty consumer
package goods ads and then looked at the ability of different neuroscience
measures including facial coding, biometrics and EEG (electroencephalogram) to
predict those outcomes.
Charlene Weisler: What brought about this
Dr. Carl
Marci: Leslie Wood (Chief Research Officer at Nielsen Catalina Solutions) and I
worked together in Las Vegas at the CBS Television City testing facility and
she said they were really excited because, with their data, they were close to
a pure measure of the creative – meaning they could control for the, aim the
media weight and the timing of the advertising and really isolate just the
impact of the creative itself without those other variables. We thought that was fantastic. We have a
great measure on creative so what if we put the two together? David Poltrack (Chief
Research Officer, CBS Corporation and President of CBS VISION) said that he
would be very interested in that and provided the funding. It was a great
meeting of the minds.
Charlene Weisler: What are some of the
components of creative measurement?
Dr. Carl
Marci: If you think about traditional
copy testing using surveys, particularly online, there are three dimensions –
do you remember it, do you like it, will you buy it. If you think about the
neuroscience measures, there are three non-conscious dimensions – attention,
emotion and memory. The tools that we put together in this study allow us to
measure passively, without asking any questions, as viewers experience the ad.
We can measure each of those dimensions second by second. And then we put all
of those metrics that we derive from that measurement into a statistical model
and see if they relate to sales.
Charlene Weisler: Which neuroscience
technique measures which non-conscious dimension?
Dr. Carl
Marci: EEG is the most complex. We are using 32 sensors coming off of the
brains of consumers and from those sensors we can derive each of those three
measures - a measure of attentional processes, emotional motivation and then
memory activation. With the biometrics we can get to another dimension of
emotion which is the emotional intensity and then with facial coding we can get
at a third dimension of emotion which is does someone like it (Do they smile,
do they frown or do they look surprised?). If you think about emotion and all
of its complexities, we are able to capture three of the most important
components: How much energy is in it? Is it something I want to approach or
avoid? Or is this something I like or dislike?
Charlene Weisler: Are you able to parse out
those expressions where someone may have a negative expression but are highly
Dr. Carl
Marci: A negative response is not a bad thing. A commercial about a headache
remedy could elicit a concerned look on the face of the viewer that registered
negative but in fact they are heavily engaged. What we are finding is that
indifference is what kills advertising. Getting any response is better than no
response. What we have found in the research is that a negative emotion did not
have a negative effect on sales.
Charlene Weisler: What is the correlation
to sales?
Dr. Carl
Marci: We found high measures of correlation – around 10% for facial coding,
around 30% for biometrics, 60% for EEG and when they are combined it goes up to
77%. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And it also gives us great
explanatory abilities when we are looking at second by second ad creative.
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