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Mar 5, 2019

“Pause Advertising” and Its Implications

Pause advertising is a new form of messaging where advertising automatically runs when viewers pause content. 

According to Variety, it’s currently being tested by streaming services Hulu and AT&T. The thought is that a contextual ad, such as an ad for soda as you pause to get something to drink, might spur greater viewer attention and retention. Also, it enables the creation of new messaging inventory at a time when the trend is to reduce the length and number of ads within pods while still meeting revenue goals.

This leads to questions and implications. For one, when someone presses pause, it’s usually to leave the viewing area to do something else, like get a beverage or take a bathroom break. That potentially leaves the ad to play to an absent audience. It can also be construed as intrusive. Pause often is exactly that, a pause from viewing anything at all.

Why Pause Advertising?
But there is good reason to consider pause advertising.

This article first appeared on the Videa blog.

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