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Apr 24, 2019

Nielsen 's Local Measurement Initiatives

In a media environment when local is more of a factor than ever, Nielsen has stepped up its local measurement capabilities with a range of added offerings. Since the end of the paper diary that transitioned to electronic measurement, Nielsen has also added various datasets and expanded the sample. They have also added more set top box data to the local market sample and is in the process of formalizing the addition of out-of-home viewership data to better monitor the full viewer experience no matter where they are. 

Measuring Individuals and Helping Stations
This has all helped strengthen and expand data culled on the household level. Now Nielsen is focusing on improving the collection of data for individuals with the most recent announcement of a Nielsen partnership with MBuy. MBuy is a cross platform, data centric, consumer-tracking service that enables advertisers the ability to connect with consumers throughout the purchase lifecycle. The MBUY partnership demonstrates Nielsen’s commitment to furthering local sales capabilities by enabling the targeting of individual consumers rather than households through the use of Nielsen persons data. This enhancement of local market measurement will enable agencies to forecast, deliver, and steward their buys.

These local improvements, along with a move to Live +1 which more closely aligns with consumer behavior viewing habits and national measurement, also deliver a lift to stations’ revenue goals. This provides, according to Steve Lanzano, President and Chief Executive Officer, TVB, “more GRPs for stations to sell.” A win win. 

2019 Nielsen Initiatives
And there is more good news in the pipeline. Kelly Abcarian, Senior Vice President, Watch Product Architecture for Nielsen, noted a range of future innovations that the industry can expect in 2019. She explained, “Only Nielsen can provide Comprehensive, Accurate, and In-Depth local audience measurement to successfully monetize ad inventory and inform content decisions. In 2019, Nielsen will integrate Portable People Meter™ (PPM) technology into Local TV measurement in 44 DMAs. This brings new out of home viewing into the audience estimates and increases stability and reduces reported zeros.” She also noted that in the remaining Set Meter markets, Nielsen is “combining its currency grade panel data with return path data and other electronic measurement from millions of homes across multiple providers. “

Actual Viewership vs Opportunity to View
One of the challenges in measuring individuals is to ascertain whether the individual actually viewed the programming or ad versus their opportunity to view. Nielsen is making the effort to assure advertisers that their ads have actually been viewed. Abcarian explained, “Advertisers pay for viewers who actually view their ads, not for people who have a chance to view ads. Nielsen captures and reports actual viewers. Utilizing best-in-class panels Nielsen is uniquely positioned to deliver to the marketplace persons level viewing estimates, informing both buyers and sellers who viewed their content and ads.”

She stated that other measurement providers deliver only the “opportunity to view” because they are using household level estimates and therefore include the viewing of all the people that live in the home, whether they were viewing or not. “Simply put, opportunity to view would provide data on those that had a chance to view. This can grossly overstate estimates,” she concluded.

Now, with the advancement of addressable and targeted advertising, local has become vitally important to advertisers. With all of these Nielsen initiatives, it is now possible to more fully maximize the value of local inventory for both advertisers and station owners. The future is bright … and green.

This article first appeared in

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