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Mar 31, 2020

Three Views About the Global Advertising Market. An ARF Virtual Town Hall

For those of us in the media industry, these days of coronavirus uncertainties in personal health and finances also include concerns about the future of the media business, specifically the impact of the pandemic on advertising revenue. The ARF has been offering Virtual Town Halls on the subject with the most recent one on Global Advertising held on March 26. What are the long term impacts and best practices that we can adopt to plan for the future? 

Hosted by ARF President and CEO, Scott McDonald this Town Hall polled three industry experts on the subject – Laura Martin, Entertainment and Media Analyst, Needham & Co, Brian Wieser, Global President Business Intelligence, GroupM and Christian Polman, Chief Strategy Officer, Ebiquity.

A Look at the Market by Laura Martin
Challenges in Predicting - For Laura Martin, past predictions of the market were not prescient. Back in December 2019, both Zenith and WPP were predicting global ad spend increases of over 4% year to year. But by April, she anticipates that huge losses will result in the GDP cratering as unemployment claims skyrocket. “Economies are shutting down,” she stated and noted that it is not easy for professional forecasters look ahead with any certainty regarding GDP. Challenges abound. First they must be able to predict when the infection rate will peak in every country. Then, after peaking, they need to see how long it will take for consumer demand to return. Following that, they would need to know what percentage of small businesses will fail before consumer demand returns. “Because small businesses are a large part of overall advertising,” she explained.

But the U.S. is in Better Shape than Other Countries - Martin uses the stock market as a predictive indicator and currently, with its huge declines and high volatility, “the market is telling you (to expect) a negative $6 trillion forecast. But how much of that decline is (consumer) sentiment and how much of it is actual fundamental deterioration?” But there is cause for some optimism, even if only relative to other countries. The U.S. stock market represents 44% of the market capitalization of the world, 20% of all listed companies and has more highly valued companies on average. This means that the U.S. is better prepared to become more dominant over time compared to the rest of the world, “because the rest of world businesses are all a third the size.” So while we may be worried about small businesses in the U.S., “the rest of the world is actually in worse shape.” Another factor in our favor is that the U.S. is more productive than most other economies. But now may not be the time to buy, she warned. We don’t know how long it will take for the virus to dissipate and consumer sentiment is currently “anti-exuberance,” meaning depressed and cautious.

Uneven Impact on Global Advertising – Martin used the Travel category as an example of how the global advertising market could be negatively impacted. Travel and Hospitality, which has effectively shut down, was projected to edge out CPG in 2020 as the fifth largest digital advertising category representing 8.6% of ad spend. Because half of all Travel spending is on digital media, Martin posited that the impact from Travel advertising shutting down is three times worse on digital than it is on offline media. Further, Google Search represents 70% of Travel digital ad spend. The takeaway is that,” when travel silos turn off, different media is affected in different ways.” In addition, she noted that because 50-70% of TV inventory is bought in the prior May and is contractually obligated, TV is in better shape than digital (which is bought in scatter and by auction and can be cancelled immediately) to withstand market volatility.
A Cause for Optimism by Brian Wieser
Optimism with a Caveat - Brian Wieser is seeing some hope for optimism in the virus trends. He has been monitoring China where the latest reports show a slowing of the spread. “China has turned a corner,” he explained, it is, “a baseline to think about how this plays out in different countries.” But, he noted, there are three different kinds of countries and each type needs to be taken into account when projecting the impact on global ad spending. For Wieser, countries divide into, “those who were hit with the crisis and immediately took appropriate aggressive steps to address the matter, among those Japan, Singapore and South Korea. There are those countries that messed up for a month and then took aggressive steps and China is probably the best example. And then there are countries that messed up for a month. Messed up for another month and are hopefully taking the right steps. Italy is pretty clearly in that category. It remains to be seen how exactly different countries will follow.”

Small Businesses Have Severe Risks - However, Wieser believes that small businesses are the most immediately impacted and often “have the fewest resources to see them through a crisis such as this one with a limited ability to tap into the financial systems” for help. Unfortunately, “a lot of the support we’ve seen to date has not been focused on those companies and this is where the most severe risks are. Small businesses are being hit first and fast.” Lessons from the past financial crisis are not always the same lessons for today. Countries with a solid safety net provide some relief for small businesses but this not ubiquitous worldwide.

Supply Chain Considerations – Because China is getting back to business, Wieser is less concerned about and lost output that could disrupt the supply  chain, which at the time of the initial outbreak, seemed inevitable. But, “the bigger threat is that other countries around the world don’t take the right actions and then become the risk for China if demand doesn’t reemerge. The bigger point is that we can actually make this worse.” Specific public policies and actions by citizens and by individual countries will drive much of the outcome which at this point is an unknown.

What Should Brands Do? – In this time of uncertainty, brands should focus on ways to stay relevant and be helpful to consumers. Some companies are pivoting in ways that change their business in socially positive ways. Take, for example, “companies with alcohol products are finding ways to convert their production lines to hand sanitizer manufacturing. Anyone with a capacity to produce heavy metal based hardware can produce ventilators,” he explained. “But even brands that have nothing to do with the physical needs of emergency professionals  are finding ways to be helpful,” by altering their creative messaging such as C  O  C  A  C  O   L   A to encourage social distancing.
A Pragmatic View By Christian Polman
No Surprise - Any pandemic outbreak shouldn’t come as a surprise because, Polman asserted, if you go into the archives, policy health experts have been talking about this for a long time. A perfect storm has been created, he suggested, by Poor Planetary Health which risks the spread of infection, an Interconnected Global Supply Chain that is unsustainable, particularly the food supply chain, the rise of Nationalism and Unilateralism, “coming into mainstream politics which divides populations at a time when we need cooperation” and the Low Levels of Trust in Institutions, “which is getting worse and worse, at a time when trusted information is critical to inform the public and to guide policy making.”  

Long Term and Short Term – Polman believes that a long term need is finding a sustainable food chain, “and one that needs to be affordable.” In the short term, pressing needs include, “having a vaccine, a preventative treatment as well as long term testing.” He noted that, “consumer confidence is key here.” But this will be problematic as the latest studies show that confidence is in free fall. Yet the long term trend for GDP growth and ad expenditures, “is yo yo’d over a long period of time and quite consistently over the economic cycles. The rule of thumb is to expect a downturn every ten years. We were due one but I don’t think anyone foresaw how this one would be happening.”  But, he added, we always bounce back so those who can afford it should start to plan for the recovery.

Success Factors – The reasons for this economic downturn are different from previous ones. Brand Relevance has never mattered as much as now. Take for example hand sanitizers which are, according to Polman, counter-cyclical. But, “Media is a more normal example,” he stated. “Media consumption has been going up dramatically as it typically does in a down cycle as a function of more people who are unemployed. In this case, people unemployed and people stuck at home.” Agility is another success factor where making decisions fast is a big differentiator. Risk Taking is another; “It’s not just making decisions quickly but being able to take risks to take advantage of any opportunities,” he added. Long Term Orientation, “matters a lot. The companies that are long term oriented are the ones that are going to win.” And, “Consumer Trust has never mattered more. It will be critical,” he added.  He advised that brands, depending on the category, should maintain their market share of voice, “which you can do even with a lower budget…  It could take three years for brands to see the full impact of their investment. That’s why it’s such a key long term game.”

In a parting word of advice, Polman offered the following, “Every one of us has a role to play when it comes to leading and driving corporations. A lasting message from all of this is in any crisis, the rate of change will accelerate.” I wonder, can we handle any greater rate of change?

 This article first appeared in

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