List of Interviews

Aug 10, 2021

Measuring Cross-Platform DOOH. An Interview with GSTV’s Eric Sherman

DOOH measurement solutions is one of the most dynamic areas of sales and marketing today which is why the partnership between GSTV and Comscore is so compelling. Their recent announcement helps marketers to better understand the impact of GSTV’s ad exposure on client business outcomes.

GSTV and Comscore

Out of home offers a myriad of opportunities to interact with consumers in more intimate and engaged ways. GSTV, (short for Gas Station TV), offers, “A national video platform reaching one in three adults 18+ on a monthly basis and we reach consumers in a unique moment in their consumer journey. We have the reach and scale of linear TV and targeting and attribution capabilities long associated with digital media,” explained GSTV’s Senior Vice President of Insights & Analytics, Eric Sherman.

The network’s partnership with Comscore is expanding with a new measurement initiative. In the past they have collaborated in advertising effectiveness studies. For Sherman, Comscore’s leading reputation as a, “global leader in cross platform audience measurement was the main reason why GSTV took the partnership even further. Comscore, according to Sherman, is known for, “Their standard-bearing online tools and also their trusted television audience ratings service. And trust is paramount.” Sherman added that Comscore offers holistic video measurement offering business measurement, “that is as inclusive as possible and considering all video touchpoints throughout the day.”

GSTV OOH Measurement Methodology

For this next step in OOH measurement, Comscore will provide network level reach, frequency and impressions by demo and market for GSTV’s 26,000 locations, Sherman explained. “So basically the foundational planning metrics for agencies,” he noted. In addition to the full footprint, the data can also be broken down by market area and by the classic demographic breaks.

“The measurement will be comprised from a number of different data inputs. One data input will be census level transaction data so we have a precise view of each and every transaction that occurs. We know when somebody is in front of the screen, seeing the ad or a piece of content. That is a foundational piece of data. Layered on top of that is mobile device data and from that data you can get demographic information,” he stated and added, “Also we will be doing a national survey to calibrate everything to make sure the demos align.”

All of data is part of a planning tool for agencies so further datasets can be merged into it to obtain a full consumer journey. Initially it will answer the basic questions of reach, frequency and the demos but, “going forward, Comscore will integrate us into their various other tools, plan metrics, for example. So you will able to combine the GSTV data with data for various digital properties such as mobile apps and websites so advertisers can understand what is the incremental reach in digital,” he shared, enabling advertisers to better understand overlap and reach.

“Going forward even beyond that,” Sherman continued, “As Comscore builds a holistic cross media planning tool, we will be able to do that same sort of thing with TV networks or CTV networks. What will be through the singular view of GSTV will ultimately be cross platform views of GSTV as it intersects with other media properties.”

GSTV Future

GSTV is poised to enter the cross platform marketplace at a time of changing consumer preferences which, as Sherman noted, offers the company a rich opportunity for growth. “There are two trends driving opportunities,” he began, “One, the decline of linear television and the rise of streaming and two, increasing concerns about consumer privacy.” For GSTV, he explained, “As linear TV ratings decline, ad supported streaming isn’t growing fast enough to make up the difference in ad inventory. This is pushing down supply of video inventory pushing prices up. Marketers are frustrated and paying more for less, offering a perfect opportunity for GSTV as a real alternative for advertisers.”

With privacy, 84% of Americans are worried about what advertisers know about them, he posited that, “Digital is losing its superpower. Digital advertising is going to shift more to contextual advertising.” For GSTV, knowing what the consumer is doing at the time of the ad exposure and what they are buying, can offer advertisers a more accurate picture of consumer intent without having to collect any sensitive personal data.

“I think we are seeing a convergence of all different types of media,” Sherman predicted, “I think we will see digital out of home become a much more important part of the media mix particularly as video starts to fragment.” As far as GSTV is concerned, the implementation of this cross platform capability, currently slated for late 2021, will place it in the sweet spot for advertisers. “It is foundational. It is table stakes for any media platform. But just as important and even more important, are business outcomes. We’ve spent the past few years really focused on helping our clients measure actual business impact. We’ve seen that our platform is really effective in driving those outcomes,” he concluded.

This article first appeared in




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