I have just returned from India which could not have come at a better
time for someone interested in assessing the impact of media on the public mind.
My impressions are based this visit -- crimes as reported on TV and in
newspapers, attendance at public events and discussions with hotel and tourism
employees and military personnel.
India’s Demographics
India is a country of contradictions. We might tend to think of it as a
place of call centers, technologists and competitive university training. In
fact, the vast majority of citizens are either working poor or destitute. According
to Wikipedia, 69% of India’s population lives on less than $2 a day.
Against this economic backdrop, combined with a traditional culture where
there is a female to male ratio of 940 to 1000 (as of 2011), crimes against
women tend to go unreported and unpunished. India’s female population seems to bear
the brunt of heinous crimes. Read any daily newspaper and you will see a litany
of brutal sexual attacks against females of all ages – from infants to
grandmothers. They say rape occurs in India every 22 minutes but that is
certainly understated since many go unreported. Up until recently, there seemed
to be no galvanized women’s movement.
India’s Media Distribution
While rated as an emerging economic powerhouse, India is predominately rural with 85% of the population engaged in agrarian work. Yet even rural villages have access to television. The number of TV homes in India stands at 148 million in 2011 – almost 29% larger than the US. There are 515 channels available and you can see satellite dishes dotting the landscape throughout the country often on the most meager of structures. And there seems to be many news networks. Our hotel in Delhi offered 38 news channels out of a total 95 channel choices.
According to Wikipedia, India's telecommunication network is the second largest in the world based on the total number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone) and the world's third-largest Internet user-base with over 137 million as of June 2012. One tour guide told us that mobile was the most common way for Indians to access the internet, as opposed to computers or tablets.
While newspapers are not as prevalent among the poor because of cost
and distribution challenges, Businesstoday.com reports that India has the
largest number of newspapers / publications (72,000) of any country in the
In spite of the poverty, information and editorial can now easily reach
deep and wide, urban to rural. But reach is one thing. Can media help to change
entrenched attitudes and impact societal change?
Media’s Impact – Recent Events
With all due respect to Gil Scott-Heron, the revolution was televised.
An employee at one of our hotels spoke to us at length about this crime
and the pervasiveness of all crimes against women. He lamented that, as media
attention to this assault and murder fades, the public’s ability to effect
change will fade too. Therefore, he said, it is incumbent on the media to
continue to spotlight this and all crimes against women.
Media in India (like media in our own country) seems to play two roles – fueling the problem with sexually violent content (think Bollywood and their "item songs") or advocating for change. Here is a chance for our industry to not only inform public opinion but also be a catalyst for much needed cultural change. Let's hope these efforts continue.
There are many Facebook pages for Nirbhaya. Here are some links:
by Charlene Weisler, Weisler Media LLC. She can be reached through her blog www.WeislerMedia.blogspot.com or at WeislerMedia@yahoo.com. Twitter: www.twitter.com/weislermedia
Just a tip of an iceberg. Include dowry deaths, include female infanticide, include honour killings,include customs and values that suppress women in this country, include this new phenomena-the Talibanization of the Indian society, ban on mobile phones, ban on jeansm ban on venturing out without someone related to them by blood!
ReplyDeleteCertainly there can be no going back. Maybe what we are hearing now is the last gasp of the old regime. It is incumbent on the media to continue to focus on society and in doing so, help create change.